Our Curriculum

Language and Arts Curriculum

Based on the Reading and Writing Workshop curriculum designed by Lucy Calkin and Columbia University. It focuses on literature and good stories to foster readers and writers for life.

Math Curriculum

Our preschool and elementary math program uses an award-winning platform developed by the University of Chicago. A research-based and field-tested approach proven to be effective in developing children’s understandings and skills that produce life-long mathematical power.

Social Emotional Education

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) helps students of all ages to better comprehend their emotions, to feel those emotions fully, and demonstrate empathy for others. These learned behaviors are then used to help students make positive, responsible decisions; create frameworks to achieve their goals, and build positive relationships with others. Through our Character First Program we develop values and behavior is encouraged using a Restorative Practice Approach.

Community Service Education

The Community Service Learning Program (CSL) offers students opportunities to connect classroom learning with real life experiences in the community. All grade levels participate in a different Community Service Learning experience, to understand social issues and design possible solutions.

Social Studies (local & global)

(taught in Spanish as required from MINERD)
We provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the world around them, from the local community to the global stage.


Our science program covers a wide range of disciplines, from biology and chemistry to physics and environmental science. Through hands-on experiments, cutting-edge research, and interactive learning experiences, we aim to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Computer Science

In today's digital age, computer science is not just a subject; it's the language of the future. Our mission is to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and creativity they need to navigate, innovate, and thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world.


Dedicated to immersing students in the rich culture, language, and traditions of the Spanish-speaking world. We believe that learning Spanish opens doors to communication, understanding, and appreciation of diverse global perspectives.